Tuesday, February 24, 2009

How does this happen?

I got onto amazon.com to order copies of a book a friend of mine just got published. It's a romance novel if anyone is interested titled "Falling in Love," byPauline Trent. (hey, had to get the plug in there for her) I put 3 copies into my basket (one for me, my mother, and my sister) . Funny thing is that because the books weren't so expensive I decided to keep looking. Before I knew what had happened there were 3 books and 6 seasons of anime videos in my basket (3 seasons of 2 different titles). I got really good deals getting each set of 3 together, I checked it out at my regular anime order sites and I saved about $10 on each season, so $60 total (and it qualified for free shipping...another plus these days). I should also add that one of the titles wasn't specifically for me it was for the Big Bear. Although, I will probably watch it at some point myself. I should also add that my birthday is next week and since I have most of the week off I will need something to occupy my time so I don't drive the family totally nuts. If I don't have anything occupying my time I find things for everybody to do, and they usually involve chore type projects. This became apparent when my daughter was still a toddler and I was off work for a week. Now to defend my husband, this was his baby girl, daddy's girl. She could get away with several things from him but not from me. I think I had just instructed her to put some of her toys away in her room while I went to the livingroom to work on stuff. She came out about 15 minutes later and told me, "mommy, you just go to work. okay?" The she went back to her room. Now, she had never complained about having to clean up before but then I realized. I only told her to do it on the days I was home all day. So, she was used to hearing it 3 or 4 times a week. She wasn't used to hearing it every single day for a week. Now that she is older, she does hear it every day because she's hit that age that she would rather do other teenagery (hey, that's a recognized word, sorry I digress) things. I put it that way because she hides in her room like it's a cave. I check on her periodically, call her out for dinner, she eventually ends up back in there. It doesn't appear that she's trying to hide anything. She even leaves the door wide open before she goes to school in the morning. I don't generally snoop, but I do peek in from time to time when the door is open for signs of any "bad stuff" and we'll leave it at that. I just realized that I just took a major side trip in this post. I thought about deleting the parts that didn't pertain to the beginning topic, but decided to leave it intact as this is the way my mind works. You should all be a little scared right about now.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Well, I've finally found it! This is the house I want to live in. I would love to come home from a long day at work to retreat and relax in this house. I can also see myself enjoying decorating this house accordingly. The only problem is that this house is somewhere in Holland. I was reviewing my mothers pictures from her trip last abroad and this was the first architectural structure she captured. Who knew it would be of my dream home. Even the big bear would like it. It wouldn't have the library spire that he ultimately wants, but I'm sure that he could make do with some of the corner rooms for his library. So, what do you think? Could you see me in this house? I know I could!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

This makes me happy

It's really a small thing but it does make me happy. I downloaded an avatar from the Funimation website of my favorite anime character of all time and have managed to work him into my blog page. See him up there in my title...his name is Piccolo. It's kind of funny but I have been known to make that same face when dealing with issues at home. I guess it's a fitting picture for this page. He is a character that was first seen in the dragonball series, at least that's where I first saw him and it's my blog. He started out as a villain, a really nasty one at that, but through a twist of fate slowly changes to become one of the good guys. I think the reason I like his character the best is because he uses his brain more than the rest of the characters. So, say hello to the green man who is watching over and guarding the earth.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sipping Coffee and Gathering my Thoughts

I don't know what it is about actually getting my thoughts written down that causes me to freeze. I sat down at the computer to write this and had so many ideas of what to write. I then spent about ten minutes of staring at a blank screen wondering what to put down. I finally decided to have my coffee and congeal on the matter. Coffee is a very special thing for me, as it is for many. At work, it's a necessity. Probably due to the fact that I am smoker and I spend 14 hours at work without a smoke break and caffeine works on the same receptor as nicotine...so, it keeps me from killing people. Truthfully, at work it doesn't even matter what kind of coffee or where it comes from, I will drink it in large quantities. At home it is a very different matter. I enjoy the taste and warm caffeinie goodness of a fresh cup of coffee. Although there are those that would argue that since I like flavored coffees and creamers that I really don't drink coffee at all at home. Let them think what they want. At home I like to be at least somewhat awake when I drink my coffee. In fact, many times I am fully awake by the time I make it. I usually realize that I haven't had coffee while on the phone with my mother in the morning and she's getting her second cup. Weekday mornings always start with a phone call to mom to see what she's up to. I really have to call to find out because although the woman is retired I have a hard time keeping up with what she's doing and where she's going next. My mother is a traveller. She takes trips all around the world seeing new places and exploring different countries. It also helps that one of her close friends is a travel agent. While she is home she participates in 2 to 3 intrumental bands, she plays clarinet. So, there are rehearsals and concerts and all sorts of other musical engagements. So, it's really like a morning coffee date with mom, catching up and keeping current with each other. Funny how it happens because at about the time the coffee is drunk we are wrapping up our conversation. The weekends are different. If I have coffee on my weekends off I don't have any until the afternoon (sometimes not at all). It must have something to do with not chatting with my mother on the weekends. She is far to hard to get a hold of at any set time then. Besides on the weekends I have to worry whether or not she is on the phone with my sister or brother then and I don't want to intrude on their time with her. See, the coffee worked. I've completed my post. So, here's to you "Coffee"!

Monday, February 9, 2009

A Normal Day at the Barn

This is my short week at work which means I've just worked an ungodly number of hours last week and am decompressing. The ritual begins Monday morning with coffee and a call to mom. I have a very good relationship with my mother and I attribute many of my better qualities to her teachings and warmth over the years. We talk about this and that, usually it's just a catch up on what my brother and sister are up to since I don't have much time to call them on my long week at work. It's also a nice way to ease into my day off after the squee child has gone to school. After that I usually hop online to check out what the world has been up to while I've been away. I check out the news, although the big bear (my husband) usually gives me the highlights and tells me of any important things I might want to check out. Somehow, this usually takes me straight into the time the squee child gets home from school. There is the usual how was school today conversation before she goes off to her room to do her homework. I suppose today I will need to erradicate the clutter mess in the livingroom in the time the child resides in her room until dinner. She is a "preteen" so she keeps to herself in her room until dinnertime when she has to be sociable. I can usually coerce her out of her room earlier by suggesting a game of "Smash Bros. Brawl". I fear though that the teenage years are creeping up and that may not work for too much longer. Maybe it would be a good activity for later today though. I am not sure of what will happen after dinner tonight, that varies. So, now that I have thouroughly bored all of you with a rather mundane list of daily activities at least you've gotten to peek into a day in my life. This is really just an outline. In any given week (or day with a "preteen") disaster can strike so I like to keep it simple in case I need to alter my plans to fit the situation. Like when a week before Halloween my daughter who up until this point said she was too old for a halloween costume decided she not only needed a costume for the school party but it needed to be a cosplay anime costume! ack! Well, between the 3 of us (husband included) we got it done in about a week and the child was happy with it. So, you kind of have to read between the lines because my life is pretty far from boring.

Who Knew?

Well I really didn't intend to post this, but since it came with a big old cat photo I couldn't help myself. Pobble had the test on her blog page and it intrigued me having studied a bit about spirit guides on and off over the years. This is what I got.

Your result for The Golden Compass Daemon Test...

Regal Soul

You love to be around people. Without them, you would wilt and fade away. Too much time alone leave you feeling listless and sad, but a good night out with your buddies puts the spring back into your step. You make friends easily, because you know how to adjust your behaviour for each person. With a rowdy, loud, social type of person you can be rowdy, and loud, and social. With a timid and mousy person you can be quiet and sensitive. While you have many friends and many faces, you have an inner circle of friends and family with whom you can truly be yourself.

You are a natural leader. You tend to be calm and rational, and it is rare that you get angry or upset. Often, when someone accidentally hurts your feelings, you will smile and pretend not to be bothered by it, because you want to project a positive, self confident image. You pick your battles. When someone does cross the line, they are often surprised at the sudden strength of your defensive attack. On the rare occasion that someone evokes anger or tears from you, it seems to them that this storm burst from clear blue skies.

Your daemon would represent your social, outgoing nature, your adaptable presence, and your tendency to hide your sensitive spots from strangers. He or she would help you mold yourself to every variety of social situation, being calm or playful or frightening as each situation demanded. When alone together, he or she would be someone whom you could share your real feelings with.

Suggested Forms: Lion, Orca, Chimpanzee, African Elephant, Goldfinch.

Take The Golden Compass Daemon Test
at HelloQuizzy